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The networking site for the gig economy.

how it works.

build your network.

Connect with other freelancers whose skill and talent align with, or complement, yours.

form your team.

Invite other freelancers to join your team or get recruited by already existing teams.

launch your business.

Get hired for short-term projects, long-term contract work or form a professional company.


The one-stop-shop to start your business.

are you...

...a creative director

looking for an a graphic designer, copy writer and project manager to launch a marketing agency?

...a programmer

looking for a UX/UI designer, business analyst and marketing guru to offer app development services? interior designer

looking to partner with an architect, structural engineer and contractor to build and/or renovate homes?

The possibilities are endless.


Putting the "free" back in freelance.

Skillinker was built with the freelancer in mind.

One of our goals is to attract employers and add a job board to Skillinker to make it even easier for our teams of professionals to find work. 


We understand that you’ve worked long and hard to establish your hourly rate or per project fee. We also understand your value is not just based on the skills that you possess to get the job done, but your years of training, knowledge and experience which allow you to get the job done effectively and efficiently.

We want you to earn your full value so we will never charge a commission for your work.

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